Charlie bit my finger

I first saw this video on ‘rube tube top  Internet videos’ all of the other videos were either funny or interesting and I could not understand why this one is so high on the list. I watched this again to see if there was something i was missing but I could still not see the attraction to this video.

I set out to try and find what it was about this video that drew people towards it. The first person i talked to was a beautiful girl called Amy who really enjoyed this video.  She tried to shed the light on this video and tried to convince me that this was funny but what she seamed to like the most was the cuteness of the two children. I think this video, without sounding sexist, reaches out to women more than men as they have maternal instincts and are generally more emotional than men.

After she had explained her reason for liking this video to me i could understand why it has become so popular but for me it will never live up to its hype.

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